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Which is the highest
Posted by quickstep
1/16/2007  3:02:00 AM
Heres a good one. In between the Waltz and the Foxtrot. Which if any is higher than the other at its highest point. Look before you leap. remember the description from the technique book. Which is commence to rise at the end of step one.. Continue to rise on two and three. Foxtrot. Rise at the end of one. Up on two and three. If the last sentence is analized the highest point is imediently after one on two, no further rise. Whereas the highest point in Waltz is on three which has nothing to do with how high we should be, thats just how we get there. Look at the DVD's and keep an eye on those heels.
Re: Which is the highest
Posted by phil.samways
1/16/2007  5:33:00 AM
I always understood that the waltz has the 'highest rise' since the nature of the waltz is the undulating movement. Foxtrot is a more flowy dance, and rise isn't so much, even though it may start earlier. Sinkinson dances his foxtrot with a lot less rise than his waltz. That's good enough for me

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